Added grass and stud to ability themes materials. Regeneration orb was added to the Pack-A-Punch machine. Nerfed Mech (Spawn Cooldown Duration 0s->7s). Nerfed Paladin (No longer has extra range, Chip damage 25%->50%, Takes Knockback). Nerfed Bomb & Bomb Mastery (Damage 35->25). Nerfed Alchemist Mastery Siphoning Potion (Damage 45->30). Improved Engineer Mastery Propeller piloting. Fixed Pulse not being affected by Ability Themes. Fixed Freeze not being affected by Ability Themes. Fixed Buff being able to spam roll jump. Fixed Devourer of Souls being underpowered. Fixed Engineer being able to place balloons on players. Fixed Engineer Mastery bug where the Radio would grow to the size of the map. Fixed Engineer Mastery Radios not being mutable with settings. Fixed Engineer Mastery being able to insta-kill with Launch Pad. Fixed Engineer Mastery being able to be unkillable. Fixed Return tallying mastery progress whilst invincible. UFO Mastery Aliens now have different classes (Buff, Flanker, Troop). Added "Mute Environmental Music" & "Disable Mobile Crosshair" settings. Engineer Mastery planes no longer deal damage or knockback (TEMPORARY FIX). Nerfed Alchemist Mastery (Siphoning damage 40->25). Nerfed Railgun (Max charge damage 95->70). Nerfed Cosmos (Blackhole damage 35->25, Star damage 30->25). Fixed Paladin having inconsistent damage. Fixed Magnet magnetize range being broken. Fixed Controlling UFO while not inside it. Fixed Engineer items being placed in spawn. Fixed Engineer pistons not being stackable. Fixed Divine Orb incorrectly activating while in dimensions. Fixed engineer, dos, and duels related bugs. Added Duels & Team Battles Leaderboards. Fixed Spectral breaking when going into other dimensions. Fixed Defender weapons having incorrect hitboxes. Fixed Dimensional abilities not teleporting whilst in a seat. Fixed Alchemist Mastery Siphoning potion being broken. Fixed Alchemist Potions not working on other maps. Fixed Devourer of Souls getting soft-locked by Blood God Dimension. Fixed Uno not correctly reversing attacks. Fixed Not being able to use certain abilities on other maps.
Fixed Devourer of Souls dimension transition.Fixed Gravity Mooning not working properly.
Added New Abilities (Buff, Paladin, Bone). Uno was renamed to card and given a different look. freeze reworked to no longer be a one shot. This article contains a lot of content, and it is not recommended to edit it with a low-end device as there is a high likelihood that lag will occur. Any and all false information will be removed.
This article is specifically made to contain content CONFIRMED to the developers of Ability Wars and all info MUST be validated by clear in game evidence OR by a staff member.